Technical Advisory Council (TAC)


The Technical Advisory Council (TAC) is comprised of a diverse array of leading experts that will provide insight and guidance to assist in the technical leadership of ECI certifications. The TAC is composed of representatives from various fields of education and experience representing diverse points of view on areas of technical development of ECI and experts that will provide technical insight.

The TAC will identify important areas of innovation and development in the environmental and stormwater fields. As well, TAC members will facilitate the development of holistic and complimentary technical development strategies that can be directed to the Certifications for incorporation into the respective curriculums. The TAC will serve to assist in the development of new and emerging technologies, expansion of scopes of practice, expansion of new certifications, and technical advice to the various certifications on technical aspects.

The TAC may evaluate the performance of any Certification, review/monitor/assess a specific aspect, serve as advocate, and provide feedback to the specific certifications, PAC or Board, as appropriate. The sole purpose of these actions will be to provide ECI technical expertise, provide an independent/unbiased sounding board, and assist staff in determining important activities, as well as an independent technical advisory on given technical subject matter for programmatic issues. The TAC will also provide ECI Staff and Board with recommendations and advice on financial requirements for upcoming content development.


Vice Chairs


Liaisons (Non-Voting Representatives)

At no time can the TAC serve as Subject Matter Experts (SME) in the individual certification development, exam blueprints, or exam text bank.
