Benefits of CPESC® On Your Team

If your team works on landscapes that involve land disturbances, land development and land management then incorporation of a CPESC on your team is a smart move. While working on sites like subdivisions, commercial sites, parks, other recreational areas, mixed use developments, highways, transmission lines (power, oil, and gas), farms, forests and surface mines CPESC team members are a resource which ensures your projects will: run according to regulation, be permitted efficiently and perform exceptionally. CPESC qualification identifies professionals who have a high-level of experience and technical knowledge. The program is significantly difficult and so reliant on collection of experience that a CPESC-IT (in training) designation has been established. This IT designation identifies professionals who are on the path to certification but who have the need for continued experience and professional development before they can achieve CPESC certification.

Certified Professionals in Erosion & Sediment Control have been trained and tested on each of these subjects and have proven their proficiency on subjects including but not limited to: