International Affiliates

Erosion & Sediment Control Association of Canada (ESCA Canada)
ESCA Canada is a Non-Profit Association, governed by a volunteer Board of Directors connecting you to changes and advancements in the ESC Industry by developing expertise through Education, Training, Professional Certification and Partnerships.

ESCAC works in conjunction with the International Erosion Control Association, EnviroCert International Inc., Educators, National and Regional governments. Working through the industries best entry level and highest professional Erosion and Sediment Control designations we deliver the education, ethics and infrastructure to ensure a strong growth in the field of erosion and sediment control.

Malaysian Stormwater Organization (MSO)
To collaborate and create smart partnership between various world standard stormwater Organization for the standardisation and accreditation of stormwater management and erosion and sediment control needs. To represent Malaysia at various stormwater related events (national and abroad) for the promotion of sustainable stormwater management. To act as the focal organisation for Urban Stormwater Management (MSMA) activities in Malaysia. To act as the coordinating centre for individual, organization, institution and other similar bodies to share common interests in the fields of stormwater management. To act as the information center for publication and technical data on stormwater management in Malaysia with the prior approval of the authority concerned

National Stormwater Organizations

Center for Watershed Protection (CWP)
The Center for Watershed Protection works to protect, restore, and enhance our streams, rivers, lakes, wetlands, and bays. We create viable solutions and partnerships for responsible land and water management so that every community has clean water and healthy natural resources to sustain diverse life.

Soil and Water Conservation Society (SWCS)
The Soil and Water Conservation Society (SWCS) is a nonprofit scientific and educational organization — founded in 1943 — that serves as an advocate for conservation professionals and for science-based conservation practice, programs, and policy. SWCS has over 4,000 members around the world. They include researchers, administrators, planners, policymakers, technical advisors, teachers, students, farmers, and ranchers. Our members come from nearly every academic discipline and many different public, private, and nonprofit institutions.

The Surface Water Quality Conference & Expo

Water Environment Federation (WEF)
The Water Environment Federation (WEF) is a not-for-profit technical and educational organization of 34,000 individual members and 75 affiliated Member Associations representing water quality professionals around the world. Since 1928, WEF and its members have protected public health and the environment. As a global water sector leader, our mission is to connect water professionals; enrich the expertise of water professionals; increase the awareness of the impact and value of water; and provide a platform for water sector innovation.

State Stormwater Organizations

California Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA)
The California Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA) is a professional member association dedicated to the advancement of stormwater quality management through collaboration, education, implementation guidance, regulatory review, and scientific assessment. CASQA has been a leader since 1989 when the field of stormwater management was in its infancy. CASQA’s membership is comprised of a diverse range of stormwater quality management organizations and individuals, including cities, counties, special districts, industries, and consulting firms throughout the state. A large part of our mission is to assist California stormwater permittees in developing, implementing, and maintaining effective stormwater quality management programs, and draw upon the collective experiences of its individual members, to share successes and avoid the pitfalls.

Indiana Association for Floodplain and Stormwater Management (INAFSM)
The Indiana Association for Floodplain and Stormwater Management was founded in 1996 by professionals interested in and responsible for floodplain and stormwater management in the State of Indiana. INAFSM members include federal, state, and local agency staff, engineers, consultants, planners, elected officials, members of academia, students, and floodplain residents.

Kentucky Stormwater Association (KSA)
KSA provides its membership and stakeholders with training covering a variety of stormwater quality topics. This is delivered through four meetings annually. Three quarterly meetings are held that typically provide one day of MS4 training. The fourth meeting is an annual conference with greater opportunity for participants to learn about industry trends, explore new technologies, share experiences with other communities from across the state and communicate with state and federal regulators.

Ohio Stormwater Association
The Ohio Stormwater Association is a group of public and private citizens dedicated to advancing the management of stormwater and related natural resources through education, leadership, watershed-based coordination and technical assistance in Ohio.